Any Other Business

Key Information

This page includes links, resources and important information updated for the 2022-23 academic year.

We recommend that you familiarise yourself with these documents, the following information will ensure each student has as much independent support as possible and help you to succeed in your studies

If you are unsure where to start we have created a Support Flowchart which shows some common queries and where to go for guidance on them.

Additionally, CHEP have created this very useful Online Academic Support Map. This one-page interactive map lets you quickly identify relevant student support services from across all parts of the University and provides direct links to each of them – we recommend you take a look!

Stay up to date with what’s happening in Southampton Business School by taking a look at our events pages.

We recognise that students at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate level have different expectations, grading structures and key contacts, therefore we have separated the information so that you are able to easily access the information that is relevant to your degree.  

The Student Hub – Support and Advice

The Student Hub is a service that can provide you support, guidance or advice on almost anything: Key contacts; How to guides and forms; About your programme; Help and advice; Student handbooks and more. If they are not able to help you with something, they can signpost you to a service who can. 

There is a  University of Southampton Student Charter , which sets out expectations, rights and responsibilities all staff and students have as members of the university community. Although not a legally binding contract, it gives an overview of how we work together to establish and maintain our unique learning and living culture. Therefore, we believe it is essential reading for everyone at the university, especially at the Business School. 

Use Turnitin similarity reports to Avoid Plagiarism

Most, if not all assignments completed for the Southampton Business School are submitted online via Turnitin, which is an internet-based plagiarism detection service. If you are unfamiliar with Turnitin and/or the similarity report which is generated when you upload work to Turnitin then we encourage you to follow the link below, it is a short document providing some initial information, suggested support materials/resources and advice regarding Turnitin

Note: You will need to log in using your University ID and password.