Click on the pictures to be taken to the support you want. Scroll down further to access PG dedicated support.
UG Study Skills (Undergraduates Only)
UG Study Skills is dedicated support, exclusively for our Business School undergraduate students. On this Blackboard page you will find; Workshops and lectures, Bookable 1-2-1 tutorials (in which you can discuss your work), and self-study resources. UG Study Skills is there to support you a whole range of things including, but not limited to:
- Academic Writing + Referencing
- Dissertation Support
- Presentations
- Understanding Assignments
- Working through your Feedback
- English Language Support
- + More!
Academic and Professional Skills for Business (S4B) (Postgraduate Students Only)
Academic and Professional Skills for Business’ (S4B) is specially designed support, which is free of charge and available to all Southampton Business School postgraduate students. It is designed to help you prepare for success in both your degree and future employment. It is up to you to decide how you participate in S4B workshops and lectures, S4B 1-2-1 tutorials (in which you can discuss your work), and S4B self-study resources. S4B activities include support for writing academic and professional texts, speaking with confidence in presentations seminars and business negotiations, improving your academic and business vocabulary, and preparing for examinations and your future career.
Southampton Language Opportunity
Have you ever wondered how to say hello in Chinese? The Southampton Language Opportunity provides you with the opportunity to study a language free of charge, alongside your degree programme. The scheme is funded by the Southampton Opportunity and managed by Modern Languages and Linguistics. The classes offer no formal qualification or provide any credit, but are perfect for those wanting to start a new language or polish up on previous skills.
Library Support
Through the Library, you are able to contact expert staff, services (including academic support) and use online resources. The library has prepared a range of activities which help you to use and navigate library resources smoothly.
Southampton Academic Skills Hub
SASH provides a range of academic skills resources across all subjects. It covers all of the most important and useful study skills you need during your time at the University. Whether you are interested in how to conduct a research, want to practice maths skills before an exam or want to learn more about academic integrity, have a look at these resources! The hub is staffed regularly for drop-in sessions as well as providing sign-up workshops.
Assignment Planner
Feeling worried and concerned about how to timely manage your assignment? Have a look at the assignment planner prepared by the Library! This step-by-step guide will help you to manage and organise your work and find the resources you need.
For final year students, Dissertation planner is available. Go to the SASH website to find out more.
This online package of materials is designed to help students to develop skills needed to succeed at university. If you are starting university this October have a look at ‘Getting ready for academic study’ with guidance on overcoming anxieties as well as different techniques that will help you learn effectively.
Off campus access
You can access all university and library resources no matter where you are. To connect to library resources, such as databases and journals you need to use the University’s VPN service. Some students may not be able to install VPN on their computers. Southampton Virtual Environment gives you access to your University Windows desktop from any location.
Starting a Study Group

Peer study groups can be a really effective way to boost your learning outside of class. Whether it’s revising for exams or deepening your understand of content you are learning in lectures, group study can make make a huge difference.
But how do you start a study group, and how do you even study together? This guide will take you through step by step, from finding a group, to finding a space, to activities and resources that will help you study together.