It’s natural to have many questions when starting your studies, so we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions by Business School Students during their first weeks to help you find the right answers. All questions have been split into key headings so you should be able to navigate easily.
Please also visit the Southampton Student Hub, where the Knowledge Base may have the answer to your query. Additionally, CHEP have created this Online Academic Support Map. This one-page interactive map lets you quickly identify relevant student support services from across all parts of the University and provides direct links to each of them – we recommend you take a look!
Support and Resources
When will I be allocated my PAT (Personal Academic Tutor)?
Your PAT will be allocated within your first 3 weeks of study. Look out for an email from the Student Experience Team who will be allocating them. Please see our PAT info page for more information.
Is the PAT tutor our final dissertation tutor?
No, your PAT is randomly allocated to support you, your dissertation tutor could be a different academic member of staff from your discipline.
Where do we go if we need help with academic English?
Please visit the English Language Support page for more information. If you are a Postgraduate student, on your timetable you should have a weekly session called Academic and Professional Skills for Business (MANG6390). In these sessions you will find out more about language support and if you look on the Blackboard module you can book 1-1 language tutorials.
When will I be allocated a dissertation supervisor?
The dissertation will be introduced in the middle of the second semester. You will be directed towards thinking about your dissertation topic and reflecting on your modules. Towards end of semester 2 the supervisors are allocated. You will get 6 hours of supervision which will help prepare you. You will also receive general dissertation support.
I do not have easy access to English textbooks, I have to read all learning materials on the computer?
There are many online resources that you can access via the library. Lots of key subject resources can be found on the Business School library subject page. Please note if you are not accessing from on campus, you will need to log in to the VPN
How do I borrow books from the library?
You can request books that are available in the libraries, or on loan to other users, via the Place Hold option in WebCat: login to WebCat, and search for the book you need. If there is a list of results, select the record for the appropriate book and click Place Hold (on the left of the screen). The library will let you know by email when your book(s) are ready and you can collect them when the library is open. You must receive the confirmation email before you come to collect your books.
Can we use the space in the library during Christmas and Easter holidays?
Please visit the Library opening hours page to see the vacation opening hours.
How will exams/assessments work?
It varies module to module, so you need to look in your module handbook or seek advice from the module leader about how you will be assessed. Most modules will have individual assessment combined with group assignment/presentation.
Should I start thinking about my dissertation now?
If you are just starting your course, no. You will be sent information about this at the appropriate time for your course. Don’t worry about that now.
How do we get marks in group coursework?
Group coursework may be a presentation, report or poster. You will always be told in advance how the work is marked and graded. You need to check the requirements to finish this coursework with your teammates. You can have a discussion with your module leader, and they can answer your questions about the coursework. Marks will typically be divided equally among all group members, but the final decision lies with the professor teaching the module and hence may vary.
How do we pass exams?
Early preparation helps. When you start the programme you’ll know which modules assess with exams. You should start reading articles and materials ahead of time early in the semester. The library has a lot of resources. Be familiar with how questions are structured. Ask your module leader if you aren’t clear about something.
How do I find group members who work hard?
Many modules have group assignments/presentations. Typically you will be allocated by your module leader. Sometimes you will be asked to locate your own classmates. If you have a problem with a group member who is not contributing, aim to sort it out yourselves but contact the module lead if you can’t resolve it.
How do we check our work for plagiarism before we submit our assignment?
Students are advised to understand the principles of plagiarism and referencing and proof-read their work carefully before submission. Recent changes to Faculty policy mean that students are no longer able to view Turnitin originality reports.
What should I do I if I have no experience with Essay examinations?
The library has a lot of great guides on writing your assignments you can even book 1-1 appointments to help you with your academic writing. Also look out for Peer Advisor study skills events where they will share their experience.
Your Course
Will lectures be recorded?
It is down to each module leader to decide whether they record their sessions or not. You can contact them if you need to access the recording.
How can I prepare for the courses over the next few weeks?
Explore the blackboard module pages to look at the module handbooks. You will find reading lists available which you can start looking at.
Careers and Employability
Is there any paid part time work at the University?
Click here to be taken to UoS careers webpage where you will find more information. A lot of students work in the Students Union or get jobs in local shops, restaurants etc. Sign up with UniWorkforce if you are looking for casual worker roles.
Can you tell us about internship and placement opportunities?
Check UoS internships on rolling recruitments for summer internships.
Also look at the Student Innovation project which is a work experience where you can work in a cross faculty team for 6-8 weeks, essentially being a consultant, where you can gain lots of Employability skills.
The Business School has its own CEPAR (Careers, Employability, Placements and Alumni Relations) team, who can help with questions you may have on anything careers, internship or placement related.
How prepared can we be to transfer into employment?
Careers service is here to help you achieve your goal.
You can book 1-1 appointments with a career advisor. Help you write your CV and apply for jobs/attend interviews. They will help you to gain work experience from the comfort of your own home. You are supported up to 5 years after graduating.
When is it ideal to start looking for career/employment opportunities and career planning?
Start now! Big companies start their application process from September. Become familiar with what’s out there and what skills you might need to work on.
What to expect for our career plans?
The University has a fantastic Careers & Employability service who help you to explore your options and connect you with recruiters in your field. Specific information about Business School careers can be found here where you are introduced to Kelly Cumming the Business School Career Practitioner
The CEPAR team also have a great programme called the Talent Development Programme which can help you make a start on these plans and develop your skills.
I saw that the ID card was mailed to the Halls of Residence. How do I know that the ID card arrived at the reception? Mail or SMS?
Any mail sent to the University Halls will directly be deposited into the mailbox, you may not receive communication upon arrival of these items. Parcels however will be given to the reception and you will receive an email when it is ready or collection. Bank cards (like ID Cards) for example are sent in an envelope, hence they will be deposited into the mailbox and will remain there till you collect it. Contact your halls team for further information.
If anyone wants to change the course after a week of joining, is it possible to do so?
It is possible to change your subject after a week of joining. Exact details about the process can be found on the FSS Faculty hub (FSS-HUB) which will appear on your blackboard homepage. In the ‘how to guides’ section there is a link for ‘how do I transfer to a different programme’.
How can i get my BRP?
If you have chosen to collect your BRP from the University, you will receive your BRP during your international registration appointment.
If you have chosen to collect your BRP from a Post Office in the UK, you must collect your BRP before you attend International Registration and bring your BRP and passport to your appointment. Contact or visit
After we apply for the BRP, do we have to go to the police office at the certain time the email told us?
Yes, you need to have a registration with the police for your address, but during the pandemic, you need to send email to our visa team to have a check:
Do you have a link for me to download the MySouthampton app without login to app store?
You can download MySouthampton App through our isolutions:
Which situations should I use the digital version of my ID card?
Access to buildings e.g., the library until you have your physical ID card.
Your proof that you are a UoS student – you might be asked for this at any time. You might be able to use this for student discount.
How do we choose optional modules?
Go to the Faculty Hub FSS and look at the how to guides and forms which cover optional modules and will take you to your programme catalogue.
Changing an Option Module
Online Option Choice can be accessed through My Student Record (Banner Self Service). It gives you the opportunity to select your preferred option modules for the upcoming academic year (eligible programmes only). The Online Option Choice website has step-by-step instructions and helpful FAQs to help you navigate this process. You might find it useful to look at the Module Report Repository before selecting your options, so you can make an informed choice. The module reports are produced annually and include feedback from students.
Where can we access all of the information and guidance for practical academic support?
The Southampton Hub Knowledge Base or the Student Hub or there’s academic support through The Library
The timetable on the MySoton app is showing differently to the website page. Which should I use?
Make sure you have refreshed your website browser and clear your browser history if you are not seeing what you expect. If your timetables don’t match, use the webpage. If it persists, email
Our scholarship payment is not yet updated when it will be updated and is there any late fee charges if we pay after 1st feb?
Please visit the university’s scholarship page for more information. If you have specific queries about fees and funding please email
When can we get the master degree certification?
Once you are awarded, you will be issued with a certificate, a diploma supplement (most programmes) and a confirmation of award letter. Your Award Documents will be posted via standard mail (not tracked) within 2 weeks of the award date.
For us to apply for a bank card, what are the necessary steps or materials?
One requirement for the bank card will be a proof of address, if you are staying at halls, you can generate it in the self-service portal, if you are staying elsewhere, you may need to provide bills in your name. The procedure for students staying in halls is as follows:
Go to the self-service portal:
Upon Logging in, navigate to Student Services and from that tab to Proof of Enrolment Letter. This letter should include your UK address details.
Does NHS cover dental care?
Please refer to the NHS website
After finishing all the courses at the end of August, can we back to our country and write papers in our country?
This may be possible but you will need to speak to your supervisor about this before making any firm arrangements.
What should I do if I think I have COVID?
For all COVID information and guidance please see the university guidance page.