Navigating the academic landscape in the UK can be challenging, especially when coming from a different linguistic background. But fret not! Our peer advisors are at your service. We’ve curated a range of resources and strategies to help you not only forge new friendships but also enhance your CV. These tools are designed to broaden your perspectives while simultaneously improving your English proficiency and bolstering your confidence!
Language Social Event
The language-related social event would be a perfect chance for you to practise English speaking and meet new friends at the same time.
Recommended events:
Faith and reflection center (Highfield)
Wednesday: Toastie Time 12.30 – 2.30 pm
Friday: English conversation: 1.30 – 3.30 pm
Friends International (Near Highfield)
Details can be found at https://www.fisuk.org/
Free English Lessons (Burgess Road Library)
Tuesday: 5.15 – 6.25 pm
More details can be found at https://christchurchsouthampton.org.uk/in-the-community/free-english-lessons
Social Activities with Peer Advisors
SBS Coffee Chat (Building 2, Study Space)
4th Oct. 10-12 am—–Topic: CEAPER
18th Oct. 12-2 pm—–Topic: Build your digital skills
1st Nov. 12-2 pm—–Topic: Business Societies
Social Wednesday
Global Lounge, 6-8 pm Wednesday night with different themes (Every two weeks).
Social Sports
E.g., Bowling, Frisbee.
For more details, please contact sbspgadv@soton.ac.uk
Volunteering & Part-time Job
Volunteer work can be a good chance point to improve your communication skills and boost your CV.
Potential opportunities:
Volunteering Banking
More details can be found at https://www.southampton.ac.uk/careers/students/work-experience/volunteering.page
UoS Once and Month (@soton_onceamonth)
Part-time Jobs & Internships
Getting a part-time job or Internship position might help you have a better understanding of the culture and improve your language skills. More details can be found at: Part-time Work | Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise | University of Southampton
Academic and Professional Skills for Business (S4B)
S4B serves as a vital learning resource for business school students. It provides the opportunity to acquire academic writing skills, bolster confidence in academic pursuits, and, significantly, schedule sessions with seasoned language tutors.
Book A Tutorial
You can book a tutorial to get assistance in diverse aspects of English, including discussing academic work and receiving feedback, enhancing grammatical proficiency, preparing for job interviews, and engaging in everyday conversations.
More details can be found at S4B and USB online tutorials (office365.com)
Digital Learning Materials
In addition to classroom-based studies, digital learning resources can play a pivotal role in enhancing both your English proficiency and academic performance. One such resource you have complimentary access to during your time at the University of Southampton LinkedIn Learning for free during your study at the University of Southampton.
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course:
• Multinational Communication in the Workplace
Suggested YouTube Channels for Enrichment:
• National Geographic
• Harvard Business Review
• Financial Times
• TED/TEDx Talks
• Business Insider
Leverage these platforms to deepen your knowledge and stay ahead in your academic journey.
Top Tips for Improving Your English
Be confident, and always look for chances to communicate with others. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, because that is how you can learn and improve.
You can check a TED talk by Marianna Pascal, we hope this would inspire you on your learning journey. Just like Marianna said, don’t focus on yourself, focus on the results you want to achieve.